Practice Pandemic Update: I'm still here!

Tumultuous times often require us to stretch beyond our familiar zones. As a skilled touch practitioner, I initially had a lot of resistance to Telemedicine (seeing patient via audio/video interface). But its hard to touch people when they are being advised to stay home, so I put my feet in this new river and, as usual, found my resistance release with the forward motion of acceptance. Now I am looking forward to finding new ways to help people. I usually give people home care advice and exercise routines, which I can continue to do via video, but there is no substitute for informed, intelligent, sensitive touch. How can I touch my patient’s in other ways? Guided meditations to ease the troubled mind. Nutritional and lifestyle advice. Just simply listen and help reframe a patient’s mindset, steering them into a more empowered and enchanted frame of reference., etc. How can I serve you ?

Michele Doucette