Building a Field of Magic

It’s summer in Vermont, with all the attendant and radiant abundance. We celebrate the solstice, and share the gift of living in a field of beauty, with our yearly party which we call Dancing On The Land. Uplifting live music, nourishing food, ecstatic dancing, leisurely swimming, laughter-provoking lawn games, late-night campfire singalongs, camping under starry skies, and lots and lots of love and gratitude fill the amphitheater of an expansive tree-lined meadow. This year as I was gliding about this three-dimensional field that is my back yard, meeting and greeting friends and family, I was taken by the quantum leap of vitality and reciprocity emanating from the larger field of our property here at Eden.

Beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, and the beheld may be awakened in the process. The appreciation, love, and gratitude of our family, students, patients, friends, party guests, and visitors over the years is a participatory, creative force that continually builds this palpable field of delight. We build a more beautiful world with attention.

Zero Balancing continues to contribute to this magical field at Eden. Receiving ZB sessions has been an essential part of how I’ve come to pay attention to happiness, abundance, and the reciprocity of nature. Clearing old patterns of tension in my body creates room for new ideas, expanded awareness, inspired insight, curiosity, and a fresh perspective on the beauty in life. Each ZB class I teach here makes the vibration clearer and stronger and amplifies the possibilities for health and wellness.

This is the field in which we learn, in which we emerge into more of ourselves as humans, and as healers. Yes, I said the H word. It is time to reclaim the role of healer where the purpose is true, and not for the ego. A healer is a mender of fields inside and outside the body, a seamstress of flesh and spirit, one who dances between heaven and earth. Healers are ready to receive wisdom from whence it comes and ready to touch it, acknowledge it, resonate with it, apply it, mirror it, and call it forth for the good of all. Let’s go!

Michele Doucette