Zero Balancing, Kunlun Mountain, and the Soul's Regenerative Cycle

The inspired symbol of Kunlun Mountain from Chinese Medicine represents the connection of Heaven to Earth and our soul’s regenerative cycling from spirit into form and back again through the process of alchemical transformation. I call upon the wisdom of Kunlun Mountain often when I practice Zero Balancing and when I teach, especially in the advanced class ZB and the Spirit of the 5 Elements.

Chinese Medicine addresses the 5 Elements: Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and how the resonances show up, flow, and find balance in the natural world (which incudes humans.). Kunlun Mountain specifically addresses the Spirit of each of the elements and relates to a soul’s movement between Heaven and Earth. The spirit of the Fire element is the spirit of the heavens above the mountain and relates to the spark of consciousness, insight, and inspiration. As we travel down the mountain we find the mists and clouds hovering around the peaks. Here a persons may access the Spirit of the Wood element, the dreams and higher vision for the soul’s journey through this life. Where the mountain meets the horizon, this is where seeds of those visions are planted by the Spirit of Earth; where roads are built, maps are drawn, plans are made to manifest into this life through our intentions and actions. In the deep belly under the mountain, the Spirit of Metal embodies its dreams and manifestations, breathing life into and animating the living soul. The Spirit of Water in the darkest depths holds possibility to drop away the ego, release the will, surrender to the unconscious. This coming apart at the bottom of Kunlun Mountain is the necessary dissolution for the Spirit to undergo alchemical transformation, to be reborn in a higher order, in an awakened form, and find our way back to the Divine.

What does this have to do with Zero Balancing? Zero Balancing is the meeting of practitioner and client at a sacred place, a place of reverence and highest regard. When we are touched in safety, when we are seen and heard and acknowledged for our whole true self, the Spirit in the Heavens resides peacefully in the heart (Fire). This is the first step in the alchemical journey down the mountain. In ZB, we hold this sacred space. We frame a session verbally with a client, listening to their visions and goals of health, wellness, and self-actualization (Wood). The frame is carried out through attention and intention in our skilled touch allowing the seeds of desires to ripen and grow into a the life we dream of (Earth.) As we balance the structure and energy in the bones and joints, we facilitate piezoelectric and semi conductive flows through the whole body, potentiating new neural networks and releasing tension patterns that keep us from receiving and feeling our true spirit (Metal). Dropping into expanded states of consciousness, we dip into invite the Spirit of Water to wash away the ego, the will, so we can experience the Tao flow through life, becoming emergent, co-creative, bubbling geysers of renewal, awareness, and .beauty. What are you doing today that’s more important than that?

If you’d like to learn more about working at the Spirit level of a person, working with 5 Element theory in ZB, or bringing all your gifts and wisdom to a ZB session, please check out the advanced ZB class:

Zero Balancing and the Spirit of the 5 Elements

April 30-May 1, 2022 2 day class Wilmington VT

Michele Doucette