Connecting to Source

Most would agree there is a force that animates the body and without this force there is no life. We have a word for the moment this life force stops moving through the body; we call it death. In most spiritual traditions there is the teaching that life force continues on after death, in a realm, a time, or dimension apart from the embodied earthly experience, a dimension which has been the subject of theological and religious contemplation, but which modern science has not been equipped to study. Yet advancements in astrophysics gives tantalizing clues. After all, we are a living part of the cosmos, so what happens in the celestial realms is likely mirrored in our bodies (the principles of nature are universal.)

I am interested in black holes. It is theorized that almost every galaxy has a supermassive black hole at its center and that the particles that make up the celestial bodies in each galaxy, are likely condensed or precipitated waves of energy that emerge from the black hole. So information, literally the waves of energy that create form in our world, comes from a place of nothingness, a separate dimension, an presently unknowable place thought to be the source of all possibilities. This may be what David Bohm calls the Implicate Order, where all potentials exist at once in superposition yet no thing is in manifest form.

So it is theorized that galaxies are spit out through their central black holes as a mysterious force or energy flows through it. It is also theorized that the very fabric of reality is made up of infinitesimally tiny holes and that matter and information comes into being through black holes and goes out of being through their opposites: white holes. As I understand it, this constant flux of the coming and going of life is a type of background energy field we may all be participating in, consciously and unconsciously.

How do we participate? Back to David Bohm, a pioneer of modern quantum physics. The Implicate order is the aforementioned state of being unmanliest, the off-state, the place of all potential possibilities, but where none have come into existence. To encourage something to take form from where it is invisibly enfolded in the Implicate Order, Bohm tells us, we pull it into the Explicate Order, the on-state, the manifest world by paying attention to it. That looking for something, putting our attention on what we are wanting to see, creates the environment for it to come forth.

So it matters what we dream, what we imagine, and what we attend to. Did you ever wonder why science fiction tends to play out in reality after a while? Imaginations have created stories, movies, books, imagery, cultural references that set up standing waves of expectation and what we perceive as reality. Is this visionary activity influencing the black holes of reality with enough constant, albeit sometimes subconscious, attention that it begins to bring in-to-form what we expect? There is always something unknown and previously unknowable preceding a new discovery. Eventually scientists become interested in these possibilities, postulate experiments to study them, and engineer instruments to measure them. And the potential has always been there.

If this is the wisdom of the cosmos, I believe it is also the wisdom of these cosmic bodies we live in. It rings true and it is also my experience as someone who touches the infinite potential of human bodies every day in professional practice. I was talking with a patient the other day about artificial intelligence (AI) and how ironic I feel it is to be creating an external, technological version of humanity in order to understand more about life when we can just as easily (and probably more safely and effectively) investigate ways to tap into our own internal Organic Intelligence(OI). If we care to touch and make organic contact with the source of all possibilities, within our own beings, that flows through our central black hole, we may show ourselves how to contact source energy and manifest a world where all beings are free to express their unique facet of Divine love.

The purpose of my life is to touch and connect to the Divine light that shines through the unique facet of each living being, to nurture and support the wholeness of life, and to cultivate and celebrate the direct ecstatic experiences of life for all. Practicing Zero Balancing is my favorite and most effective map for this journey. I encourage you to receive ZB regularly and if you are a healthcare practitioner, or anyone who wants to serve others through touch, consider studying ZB. Along with a truly wholistic approach to helping clients, friends, and family, you will gain insight into principles of energy and healing that create clarity and ease in all aspects of life. To learn more about it, I invite you to browse through this whole blog section of my website for videos and essays on health, life, energy, and my current musings on how it all works.

Upcoming Zero Balancing Classes with Michele Doucette

Zero Balancing 2: Wilmington VT Sept 14-17 2023

Core ZB Advancing Skills Day: Burlington VT Sept 24, 2024

Zero Balancing and the Spirit of the 5 Elements: Silver Springs, MD Nov 3-4, 2023

Alchemy of Touch: San Clemente, CA Nov 30-Dec 3, 2023

Zero Balancing 1: Wilmington VT June 6-9, 2024

Another opportunity to clarify the connection to true self and your full potential is Portal Painting. Join Dr. Katey Hauser as she facilitates a weekend of self discovery through this innovative painting process. No need to be an established painter, only a willingness to explore what might emerge through a fun and creative process and to allow yourself to be supported by others and the land at Eden!

July 28-30 2023

Michele Doucette