Truth and Evolution

 We are evolving beyond the binary Newtonian worldview that our shared reality has been based on for hundreds, if not thousands, of years.  Its an exciting time to be a human, but it can be painful, too.

Binary.  Like True or False.  Male or Female.  Self or Other.  Humanity has depended on these absolutes to create the narratives of our modern lives, our religions, our science.  But follow Nature and she will show that beneath what we think of as constants there is, and always has been, ambiguity and fluidity.  

Female-identified souls have resided in male-identified bodies and vis versa since history was first recorded.  Lifetimes of misunderstanding, denigration, and torture have been lived in a binary world that required only one answer:  Male or Female.  It is remarkable, nothing short of revolutionary, that we now have a vocabulary that acknowledges gender fluidity.

The world was flat… until it was round. The transition to a mostly accepted round worldview (apparently there is still debate in some circles) took about 300 years.  Imagine, in those long centuries, what an alchemical shift was underway in human consciousness!

Most of us grew up with True or False tests in school.  These involved little critical thinking as all we had to do is remember what we were told.  There was no choice labelled “it depends on what data set, who’s narrative, or what source you’re referencing.” Today you can find multiple peer reviewed articles on either side of just about any question, like whether vaccinated or unvaccinated children have better health outcomes.  You can find public policy developed from incoherent narratives.  And at the same time rampant censorship replaces informed, open discussion.

It is a confusing time to be a truth seeker, for sure. The good news is that we may simply be evolving out of a limited worldview based a on Newtonian principles.  We may be learning to perceive and participate in a Quantum world that is more pro-active than reactive, a world in which we consciously choose our thoughts, clear our veils, and focus our attention to intentionally manifest right relationship with people and planet. 

The stories we tell ourselves determine how we move and behave.  I mean let’s face it, we still tell ourselves the sun rises and sets each day even though it was back in the 16th century that Copernicus showed it is the Earth rotating in our daily 24-hour cycle, not the sun.


This daily spin moves some of us away from the light while others move toward it at a speed of nearly 1000 miles per hour.  These paradoxically leisurely and speedy intermittent light times are called days and we mark them on calendars as if they are physical structural units that make up a year when they are actually (as far as we know) a fluid-spatial-phenomenon humans have not evolved to perceive.  We are still telling ourselves the story of a geocentric universe proposed the 4th century BCE!  A fun article on the speeds we are actually moving everyday can be found here.

My point is this:  there is a lot more happening to us in every moment than we are aware of.  How would life change if we were aware of the bigger pictures, the larger perspectives?  The universe is expanding, so we are, too.  Where are we going?  Why are we all on this space train?  One thing is apparent:  we are all on the ride together with this magnificent planet that is nurturing and supporting us through the journey.  The trees, the earthworms, the birds, fungi, bacteria, viruses are all participating in some great mystery.

Life is a story, and most of it is likely not true in any permanent way.  Our human understanding of this intelligent, self-organizing world is limited, so let us bring our curiosity, kindness, and humility to bear. Let us be receptive to the wisdom of nature, including the wisdom of the nature of our own bodies.  As we release the narratives of human superiority, competition, and dominance, a new story of connection, healing, and sustainability emerges.

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