Temporary Office policy and procedure during Stay Safe Stay Home Coronavirus Pandemic public health initiative

    Dr. Michele Doucette

Chiropractic - Zero Balancing - Nutrition

497 Boyd Hill Rd, Wilmington VT   05363

802-464-2361  www.drmicheledoucette.com


Telehealth with Dr. Doucette now available


I hope this update finds you safe, well, and calm amidst the current pandemic challenge.  Although I’d like to think the reason many have chosen my services for health and wellness is the personal, hands-on care offered over the past 30 years, the Covid 19 reality brings a new set of considerations and concerns. Our office is accommodating these changing times with updated offerings.


The current health crisis can easily disrupt our vital connections, our physical activity, and our ability to seek care for ourselves. For these reasons, Dr. Doucette is now offering telehealth services to new and existing patients. Telehealth does not allow for the profound benefit of skilled touch, obviously. But it does allow for problem-focused consultations, home-care recommendations, exercise and nutritional advice, guided meditation and body-mind balancing to help you self-manage during this hopefully short-lived Covid period. If you need to lean in for support or bounce some questions off Dr Doucette, this is a good solution! 

      Quality, effective health care is equal parts listening, evaluation, 

treatment and education. 

The Good News is that most major health plans (including but not limited to BCBS, Aetna, HPHC,) have availed these services to their insured, and many are incentivizing their use by waiving all patient out-of-pocket expenses like copays, co-insurance & deductibles!  This means you can consult with Dr. Doucette via telemedicine for any of your new or pre-existing issues at no cost to you. You do not have to visit our office, you can do this in the comfort and safety of your own home. (Please note: Dr. Doucette is not currently a Medicare/Medicaid provider and only the services that are typically covered by insurance apply).


If you are self-pay, please note: for 30 years we have kept our patient fees ‘valley sensitive.’


To take advantage of Dr. Doucette’s telehealth services, simply contact our office and request an online consultation. We will get back to you with available time slots and Dr. Doucette will contact you at appointed time.  Billing will be handled by our staff. It is that easy.

Thank you for staying Safe & Well!

Office Phone:  802-464-2361   Text: 802-258-0459

bones@sover.net       www.drmicheledoucette.com



    Per declaration by the Governor of VT, chiropractors are essential health care employees. For the sake of public health, Dr. Doucette has reduced in-office care to just a few people per day until further notice from the Governor or the CDC. You can reach out to schedule an in-office appointment through email, text or phone.  Our policies and Best Practices surrounding the realities of working in the COVID era can be found below.                 

What We Do For You: 


  • Telehealth appointments are available for most insurance plans and self-pay!

  • We have spread out scheduled appointments to minimize people in-office

  • Our office is equipped with ample supplies of sanitizing and disinfecting products. 

  • Patient tables and therapeutic tools are disinfected between each and every patient. 

  • Dr. Doucette sanitizes her hands at a minimum of between each patient visit, and/or regularly during patient visits as deemed prudent. 

  • Dr. Doucette will wear a mask, gloves and gown for patient comfort.

  • Hand sanitizer is made available in our waiting area for patient use. 

  • Common areas and ‘touch points’ are wiped down between patients. 

  • Business transactional equipment is regularly disinfected,

  • If a member of our staff is ill or has knowingly had exposure to others who may be infected with coronavirus the office will close.

  • Our office 24-hour policy does not apply to cancellations regarding Coronavirus concerns or signs/symptoms of a respiratory illness; however we ask for you to practice basic courtesy and notify the office as soon as you can when re-scheduling an appointment, thank you.


What You Do For Us: 


  • We ask that all patients understand that they are personally responsible for doing their part in not bringing coronavirus into the office. 

  • Please understand the travel advisory below set forth by the CDC and US Government, in terms of scheduling appointments. We ask that at least a 2-week period of time be placed between ANY travel and appointment scheduling with Dr. Doucette

  • Patients are asked to wash hands in the hallway restroom prior entering office

  • Hand Sanitizer is readily available, and should be used upon entry into the office, and prior to appointments.

  • Please DO NOT KEEP APPOINTMENT if you or any of your contacts are exhibiting any signs or symptoms of upper or lower respiratory illness (nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, coughing, itchy eyes, shortness of breath, fever, with or without associated nausea/vomiting/diarrhea). We ask that at least a 2-week period of time be placed between any of these symptoms and appointment scheduling.

  • Please do not bring children or other relatives to the office when at all possible; social distancing includes avoiding bringing crowds together




Michele Doucette